Packages Dynamic Information Modeling

  • On Cloud

  • On Premise

Construction Simulation Software

PDIM your go-to Construction Simulation Software solution. Our cutting-edge software brings you a host of powerful features to revolutionize your construction projects.

Experience Advanced Construction Simulation, Precise Planning, 3D Graphics-Based Sequencing, Live Progress Tracking with Color Codes, 3D Model-Based MTO and Design Parameters Extraction, and Automated Work Front Generation.

Key Features of PDIM

Key Benefits of PDIM

4D Simulation (Timelines) in PDIM

5D Simulation (Cost) in PDIM

4D Simulation
4D Simulation
5D Simulation

Enhance Your Construction Sequence Planning with Our Constructability Module

Our Constructability  software designed to streamline construction sequencing for work packages and units. Utilizing an intuitive 3D graphical interface, it efficiently manages the intricate relationships between various items, ensuring a smoother construction process.

Watch PDIM in Action

PDIM Brochure

Discover the Impact of Construction Simulation Software on Construction Planning, 3D Graphics, and Color-Coded Construction Sequencing

PDIM Workflow

Create Work Packages

Create Work Packages

Work Packages are created for Construction monitoring eg:- SKID1, Mezzanine Deck, Module, Area etc.

Assign Items of Work Package from Model

Assign Items of Work Package from Model

Tags/Items/Components from Engineered 3D graphical model are assigned to the relevant work packages.


Sequencing Items as per Construction & Qualification as per specific UOM

Tags/Items assigned to Work Packages are sequenced as per Construction order . Scope Quantity of each item with relevant UOM is captured in system for further monitoring

dependencies between items

Establish Dependencies Between Items/Activities

Identify the relationships / dependencies of all the items in the Work Packages

Piping 3D work progress representation

Capturing Progress Percetages & Colour Codes Representation

Progress percentages of each Item in the Work Packages is captured along with representative colour codes to reflect in model

Contractor Schedule

Identification of Work Front Opened Items

Work front for items in Work Packages are opened based on the progress completion of related items/activities

tender directory

Extraction of Reports & MTO from 3D Model

MTO is extracted at various hierarchical level from the 3D model for all disciplines along with properties/attributes of the model

See The Product in Action

Discover PARASCADD's PDIM software, to know how it can assist you to empower your business.