PARASCADD Private Limited



Project Activity Network Scheduling, Resources, Documents, Quantity Monitoring

  • On Cloud

  • On Premise

Network Scheduling Software For Project Planning And Monitoring

Project Planning and Scheduling Software

PROPLAN is a project planning and scheduling software that helps you to plan, schedule, control, and monitor the detailed-level activities of various project functions, including:

  • Engineering
  • Ordering
  • Manufacturing and delivery
  • Tendering
  • Construction
  • Commissioning
  • Close-out

PROPLAN also provides graphical reports that compare scheduled versus actual progress, helping you to identify and address potential problems early on.

Key Features of PROPLAN

Benefits of PROPLAN

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Uncover the insights and advantages of using PROPLAN to streamline your project's network system planning and scheduling processes

Learn how to use project planning and scheduling software ?

Steps For Effective usage of Project Planning and Scheduling Software

Create Work Packages

Define Project, User & Settings

Create the OBS / EPS, Project Description, Project Plan / Sch. and Users, Calendar & Misc. Settings

Determine Activities

Determine Activities

Analyze the project scope and stakeholders requirements to determine the WBS, Activities, Quantities and Milestones


Determine Activity Scope & Duration

Estimate the number of work periods needed to complete individual activity scope..

dependencies between items

Determine Activity Dependencies

Identify the relationships / dependencies of all the project activities. (FS / SS / SF / FF)


Determine Resources

Estimate the type and quantities of Materials, Manpower, Machineries, Consumables and Costs required to perform each activity.

Contractor Schedule


Analyze activity sequences, durations, resources requirements and schedule constraints to create the project schedule model.

tender directory

Monitor & Control

Monitoring and Controlling for the comparison of plan and durations w.r.t. Baseline, resource quantities and performance measurement (Progress, Forecast, Efficiency Custom Trends).

Steps For Effective usage of Project Planning and Scheduling Software

1. Define Project, User & Settings

Create the OBS / EPS, Project Description, Project Plan / Sch. and Users, Calendar & Misc. Settings

2. Determine Activities

Analyze the project scope and stakeholders requirements to determine the WBS, Activities, Quantities and Milestones

3. Determine Activity Scope & Duration

Estimate the number of work periods needed to complete individual activity scope..

4. Determine Activity Dependencies

Identify the relationships / dependencies of all the project activities. (FS / SS / SF / FF)

5. Determine Resources

Estimate the type and quantities of Materials, Manpower, Machineries, Consumables and Costs required to perform each activity.

6. Analyze

Analyze activity sequences, durations, resources requirements and schedule constraints to create the project schedule model.

7. Monitor & Control

Monitoring and Controlling for the comparison of plan and durations w.r.t. Baseline, resource quantities and performance measurement (Progress, Forecast, Efficiency Custom Trends).

Features of Project Planning and Scheduling Software

  • CPM based Project Network Schedules for Levels with resource loading, Generation of Critical Paths at Unit / Complex levels,
  • Alerts generation for Delayed activities in critical path, Non critical activities becomes critical due to delay, Revised estimated date/schedule of the project activities, Forecasting etc.
  • Generate dynamic schedules like 30 days / 90 days Look ahead Plan with Resource requirements.
  • Cost monitoring, reporting and control at Activity level as well as at Unit / Complex levels with forecasts based on a various scenarios. Reporting in Tabular and various Graphical charts.
  • File Comparison between the base files.
  • Percentage Progress calculation at Activity as well as Unit and Complex level.4D (3D + Time) Scheduling
  • Linking Activities Schedules with IFC 3D Models for monitoring the Critical Construction activities (if necessary) with the help of standard review and other similar software


Sr. No. Other Network Systems PROPLAN
Activity based Scheduling Tools
Activity as well as Quantity based Scheduling Tool with Resource Loading
Assessment of Resources is inaccurate for the Activity.
Assessment of Resources is accurate for the estimated quantity.
Creation of Resource Gang is not possible
Creation of Resource Gang is possible
Assessment of %age Progress is inaccurate due Activity monitoring.
Assessment of %age Progress is accurate due to Quantity level monitoring.
Rolling up %age Progress of various Functions & Overall is not possible. As a result, %age Progress is calculated in Excel.
Rolling of %age Progress at Unit as well as Overall levels is possible. Need not to switch over to Excel.
Calculation of Work Fronts particularly for Construction works not possible.
Calculation of Work Fronts is possible w.r.t Drg., Matl. & Access
Work Front Forecast is not possible.
Work Front Forecast can be made for advance resource planning.
Integration with Auto Spooling Software is not possible.
Integration of Auto Spooling is possible. Progress calculation / Reporting of Piping work is exceptionally accurate.
Look ahead Schedule is inaccurate due to monitoring at Activity level only.
Look ahead Schedule is accurate due to monitoring of Quantity against the Activity.
Look ahead Forecasts for various scenarios is not possible.
Look ahead Forecasts for various scenarios is simple using curves.
Window Analysis is not up to the mark due to Activity level monitoring.
Window Analysis is accurate to a great extent due to Quantity level monitoring.
Not easily customizable.
Can be customized without taking much time.
Not user friendly. Lot of roaming.
User friendly. Roaming avoided.
Cost of Software and AMC is too high.
Cost of Software and AMC is standard and affordable

See The Product in Action

Discover PARASCADD's PROPLAN software, to know how it can assist you to empower your business.