EPC Asset Management solution

  • Mobile App

Material Tracking Software

Asset Management with RFID and Barcodes

TRACK N TRACING App is an EPC Asset Management solution, which can help EPC companies to maintain the records of inventory. In Oil and Gas industry spools and erection components used for fabrication and erection of spools. TRACK N TRACING EPC Asset Management uses RFID, Bar-code & QR Code technologies with the best RFID, Bar-code readers integrated with the TRACK N TRACING mobile app.

Process Automation Solution Using Barcodes and RFID technology on mobile apps through Online / Offline mode on the construction activity progress, manufacturing progress at vendor site and material dispatch and tracking along with asset search options.

This TRACK N TRACING mobile app synchronizes the material inventory to EPCPROMAN suite applications via the Wi-Fi, Cellular Network connection. It can also store data locally on the mobile device when offline and sync it to EPCPROMAN as soon as the network is found.

Key Features of TRACK-N-TRACING


Steps for RFID-Based Spool Tracking and Tracing

  • Spool Tracking, Spool Search
  • Tracking and Tracing RFID Generate RFID Tag ID for each spool data
  • Attach the RFID Tag on the spool
  • Store the spool at desired laydown area
  • Go to laydown with hand held RFID Reader (Scan Range up to 4 to 15 meter)
  • Scan hard RFID tag applied on assets by RFID reader
  • Key-In location information
  • TRACK-N-TRACING  Software will update that information of assets to a database system
  • Asset information can be found by login into the system
  • Repeat above process if asset gets relocated.

Material Tracking using RFID


Discover How T-N-T Enhances Inventory Management using RFID, Barcode, and Mobile Application Solutions


Barcode Printer

Generate & Print Barcodes


Attach the Tag

Barcode Reader

Scan and Update Location

material storage

Scan and Search Location

Dispatch Truck

Receive Dispatch by Scanning Voucher


Track on Map

Inventory Management

Spool Tracking & Spool Search

  • Spool tracking & Spool search is done using Barcode scanning and RFID reader.
  • The benefit of spool tracking & spool search is to keep track of spools, material inventory.
  • For e.g. In a lay-down area N-number of spools are present and for a specific task we only need certain amount of spools so in that case with the help of RFID reader we have to enter the spool no & start the scanning process and eventually when we are near that spool will be getting an indication on the reader about the same.
  • For tracking and searching of spools & materials we have Spool tracking, Spool search, Material tracking, Filter tracker, Welder tracker.
  • Spool search: –When you select a spool with RFID reader and start scanning and as soon as you are near that spool the meter (as shown above) starts rising indicating how close you are to that spool
    Show Map:-This map shows the distance between our live location and the current location of the spool on TNT mobile application.

SPOOLMAN Integration


Integration with SPOOLMAN covers the following:

  • FITUP creation is a process where after performing the fitup of spools, a report is created.
  • FITUP inspection is done under the supervision of a supervisor and checks whether the fitup report created is appropriate.
FITUP Creation
FITUP Inspection


  • Welding is an operation whereby two or more parts are united by means of heat or pressure or both.
  • In welding creation a weld report is created & in welding-updation any modifications related to weld report is done.
Welding Creation
Welding Inspection

NDT (Non-Destructive-Testing)

It is a testing and analysis technique used to evaluate the properties of a material, component, for welding defects and discontinuities without causing damage to the original part.

NDT Offering

Here we select the type of NDT (RT, UT, MPT, and DPT) that we want to offer the spool. NDT can be offered based on Lot wise.

MPT (Magnetic particle testing)

This NDT process uses magnetic fields to find discontinuities at or near the surface of ferromagnetic materials. A MPT report is created after the actual process is completed.

DPT (Dye Penetrant testing )

 This NDT process is used to detect any surface-connected discontinuities such as cracks from fatigue and flaws in joints. A DPT report is created after the actual process is completed.

 RT (Radiographic Testing)

This process uses radiation passed through a test piece to detect defects. A RT report is created after the actual process is completed.

UT (Ultrasonic Testing)

This process entails the transmission of high frequency sound into a material to interact with features within the material that reflect. A UT report is created after the actual process is completed.

Spool NDT Clearance

After offering NDT to the spools and completing the process here we clear the spool that has been offered NDT. This process involves verification of completion of all offered NDT’s.

Spool Clearance

In this phase we can clear the spool which is available after spool NDT clearance for further process.

HI (Hardness Inspection) Creation

It is defined as the resistance to indentation, and it is determined by measuring the permanent depth of the indentation. A HI report is created after the actual process is completed.

PWHT (Post Weld Heat Test

PWHT reduces or redistributes the residual stress introduced by the welding process with a technique that involves heating, soaking and cooling the weldment/machined surface to controlled temperatures. A PWHT report is created after the actual process is completed.

OGP (Outward Gate pass)

Modules such as Painting, Laydown, and Dispatch are present under outward gate pass.

STP (Send to Painting)

In this phase spools which are available for painting process, is passed further for painting.

RTP (Receive to Painting)

In this phase spools which requires painting are received and further a report is created.

STL ( Send to Laydown)

In this phase after painting process, spools that are required to be stored in a laydown area, a report is created. 

RTL (Receive to Laydown)

Spools which have been sent for Laydown area gets received at laydown area are displayed in this phase.

STD (Send to Dispatch)

Report is created in this phase for spools which are available for dispatch

RTD ( Receive to Dispatch)

Spools are which checked for the quality and a status is assigned whether the spools are cleared for further stage.

Barcode printing software facility in EPCPROMAN

Barcode Setting

  • For generating Material barcode this feature is used in MYAPP for barcode sticker printing.

Barcode Printing

For printing barcode  this feature is used in MYAPP for barcode printing. We select a record & click on print icon after which we have to select the barcode Type & page type & later select the printer name & click button for Printing the barcode of the selected record.

Spool Barcode

  • For generating spool barcode this feature is available in SPOOLMAN (EPCPROMAN SUITE) ‘SPOOL TRACKING’ Module.


  • For generating Joint barcode this feature is available in SPOOLMAN( EPCPROMAN SUITE ) ‘WELDING’ Module.
  • Spool Barcode And Joint barcode is used for Progressing as well as Tracking location of all feature that is available in EPCPROMAN TNT Mobile application/ RFID Barcode.
  • Item Barcode is Used for Tracking Heat No during fit-up time.

RFID read/write software facility in EPCPROMAN

  • Writing RFID UHF passive tags for particular spools this feature is available in SPOOLMAN (EPCPROMAN SUITE) in ‘SPOOL TRACKING’ Module.
  • RFID Tags are used for tracking of the spool.
  • Can also be viewed in Google Maps for location viewing with respect to scan time and scan date as shown below

Manage Inventory by using Barcode rfid tracking. How RFID Asset Tracking System Work?

Track N Tracking using Barcode, RFID, Inventory tracking , Asset management , Mobile app for Material, Fabrication and Erection actibity of EPCPROMAN. Inventory Tracking using Barcode, RFID, Inventory tracking , Asset management , Mobile app for Material, Fabrication and Erection .An RFID asset tracking system uses electromagnetic fields to transmit data from an RFID tag to a reader.

See The Product in Action

Discover PARASCADD's TRACK-N-TRACING software, to know how it can assist you to empower your business.