A Case Study
HPCL Rajasthan Refinery Ltd. (HRRL) was incorporated on 18th September, 2013, as a Joint Venture between Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) and Government of Rajasthan (GOR) with an equity participation of 74% and 26% respectively.
HRRL asked us to integrate advanced software solutions into their operations to achieve Isometrics Spooling generation, complete Material Management, Project Planning activity, Project Control activity, Fabrication activity, Erection activity till Project completion & Final documentation submissions.


The Integrated Piping Management System has been executed successfully in HRRL project Barmer, Rajasthan with limited manpower. It was a wonderful journey for all our team mates.
Rajasthan Refinery Ltd.
Industry: Goverment
Technology Leveraged:
Project Solution:
- Isometrics Spooling generation
- Material Management
- Fabrication and Erection activity
HPCL Rajasthan Refinery Ltd. (HRRL) was incorporated on 18th September, 2013, as a Joint Venture between Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) and Government of Rajasthan (GOR) with an equity participation of 74% and 26% respectively.
Project Name: HRRL (CDU/VDU, VGO, DCU)
Their Requirements
HPCL Rajasthan Refinery Ltd. (HRRL) required Integrated Piping Management System for HRRL project
Barmer, Rajasthan
Solution & Approach
The scope of the project was to implement a full EPCPROMAN solution for HRRL projects. Isometrics Spooling generation, complete Material Management, Project Planning activity, Project Control activity, Fabrication activity, Erection activity till Project completion & Final documentation submissions.
For Successful Execution:
• Identifying Project Tasks as per the project work of scope
• Team Selection & Assign Right Tasks to Right Manpower
• Project planning & Inputs Gathering
• Project Control & Defining Procedures
• Team Coordination
• Weekly work planning with team
• Report Formatting
• Monitoring Production
• Reporting On Time
• Revision Control
• 3D Progress Monitoring
• QA\QC Requirement
• Material Control
• Document Control
• Test Pack Control
• Barcode
Identifying Project Tasks as per the project work of scope.
To identify the project tasks at various levels in the project. Each project may have a different type of tasks which needs to be identified at the initial stage of the project. In our HRRL project, we identified and noted all the tasks before starting the project execution. It has to be differentiated and to be listed as per the below category.
• PCPL HO Tasks (Spooling Activity)
Selection Of Team & Assign right tasks to right Manpower.
Team selection is very important for a project to be successful. Team selection is always be a responsibility task for the team lead who is going to control the team for more than three years. In our case we have chosen the best team from our organization hence we achieve the successful execution. After selecting the team members, it is time to assign the identified project tasks to team members based on their capability. Each team member may have different skills in executing the project.
Project planning & Gathering Inputs.
EPCPROMAN Input collection is the most important thing which has to be in a correct system format. As per our project creation and project outputs, list-out the required inputs and collect them at the correct time. Inputs collection task also be the project lead responsibility who should know the project outputs and about project deliveries.
Project control & Defining Procedures
Each project we have to create the procedures for each task or process to execute the project. The procedures need to be approved by our client. Every team member should be aware of the all the project procedure document’s Major procedures are:
• Spooling Procedure
• Revision Control Procedure
• Fabrication Procedure
• Erection Procedure
• TestPack Control Procedure
• Barcode Activity
Team Coordination
Always need to give more priority to build a good team. Plan your team to achieve the client project progress targets & deadlines. Each member of the team should know about the objectives and results. They need to understand their tasks and complete the tasks with the help of other team members who are having control of other linked tasks. Team lead always needs to consider the comments or valuable points of their team members who are having much experience in their tasks. Team lead needs to involve the full team always to achieve the effective output. Arrange the internal meeting daily basis with all team members to ensure that the project goes in line without any issues
Report Formatting
This is the most important thing in the project execution to satisfy the client’s expectations. All the outputs and reports are the only required data from us to share with the client on their required formats. Report formats need to be finalized based on their requirement at the initial level of the project. Reports formatting may vary based on the project. We need to categorize the reports as below:
• Look Ahead Report
• Weekly Progress Report
• Fabrication Forecast Report
• Erection Forecast Report
• Test Pack Summary Report
• Shortage Report
• NDT Coverages
Production Progress Monitoring
The major responsibility of the project lead is to monitor the project progress at various levels of the project with coordination with subcontractors. The target of each task needs to be set high to complete the project on time. In our project, the major productions were spooling outputs and progress data entry. Both progress status we updated daily to the client without fail. So time and production rate is a very importantfactor to complete the tasks and projects on time.
Reporting on Time
Once the project runs on peak time, client management always looking for good results through the reports. Each day is a challenging day to fulfill the client’s requirements through different reports. In the HRRL project each day we faced a lot of challenges to finalizing the report in Client HO as well as on-site and we have achieved the challenges with good reports. On-time report to the project management team is the team lead responsibility.
Revision Control
Revision control is one of the most important factors to complete the project successfully and happened in HRRL. It is the responsibility of all team members whoever involved in the project has to be very careful about the revisions from top to bottom i.e. from spooling and till test pack. We controlled the revisions at the initial level with the involvement of the client as well. They have released the revision control log on every week to identify the upcoming revisions which help us to hold the ISOs and release the SWN and HRN. The most important we have saved wastage of material with help of Epcpcorman SWN & HRN procedure. Minimum Modification in fabrication impacted spools.
3D Progress Monitoring
The key factor to impress the client in our HRRL project was 3D progress monitoring. The client always wants to look real progress at the site through 3D visualization. We implemented this in our HRRL as per the client requirement and succeded as well.
Fulfill the QA/QC Requirement
In HRRL project QA/QC reports outputs from the system are as per client ITP format only. The
interaction with QA/QC team should be started from the initial level of the project to finalize the
report format. Major Reports Deliveries of QA/QC in HRRL :
• Fitup/Welding reports
• NDT Coverages
• Penalty Logs
• Repair Logs
• Test Pack History Sheet
• Welder Coverages
Material Control
In the HRRL project, we controlled the material very well from the initial level of the project and appreciated it by the client project manager. Also, we faced a lot of challenges in this part. In HRRL we had four fabricators and three site contractors and we are the only responsible team that can shift the materials from the site to shop and shop to the site. And based on the project priority we issued the job cards to all subcontractors at the correct time. Also, we involved in shortage quantity identification and found a better substitution for the shortages. We issued shortage reports weekly once to all management teams to ensure that the shortage materials are under ordering and delivering. Our team working on material planning to provide sufficient work fronts for all the fabricators. Also, we monitored the test pack wise MTO and shortage analysis to ensure that the test pack can be tested on time without material shortage
Document Control
The documents like Isometric’s drawings, job cards, and other reports have to be transmitted through document transmittal & All the documents are managed in the system only.
Test Pack Control
In our HRRL project, the Test Pack monitoring and control was fully monitored and controlled through our system and used mostly by construction and QA/QC team. We involved more in the test package section to control that all the packages are ready for testing and reinstatement. For this section, always we need to interact with the engineering team for package finalization and construction team for testing execution.Also, test package wise MTO and shortage data needs to be shared frequently to analyze the testing planning and execution.Test pack history sheets are the final output delivery from our system. Once testing completed as per the client requirement, the project outputs from the system has been completed successfully. The above information and suggestion may give proper guidance to execute the upcoming projects.