Industry Segment Benefits

We offer products for different disciplines of  the EPC industry. The Project Management Software PROPLAN provides total solution to Project Control which is the most important part of the Project Management. 

The  Project Control Platform has various modules have been designed and integrated in such a way that it will meet almost all the requirements of Engineering, EPCPROMAN addresses Material Management in general and Piping Bulk Materials in particular starting from MTO- MR-Ordering–Delivery-Issue – Consumption-Progress Calculation.  

EPCPROMA software manages Procurement, and Construction phases by seamless flow of data from one module to other for Planning, Scheduling, Cost Control, Analysis and Reporting purposes.

Our Software provides features and benefits for various Industry Segments.
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  • The success of any Project is measured in terms of performance in Time, Cost, Quality and HSE for which robust Integrated System is the pre-requisite.
  • Due to integration of all Modules of EPCPROMAN, it will provide various Detailed as well as Dashboards Reports to the Owner to understand the health of the Project, be it, Engineering, Procurement and Construction.
  • Tender Vs MTO Vs AFC Qty. can be analyzed for calculating Variance and take decision well in advance to manage the contracts properly.
  • Combination of Qty. as well as Cost (Weightage terms of Effort & Cost) Reporting.
  • Risk Management has become part and parcel of Project Management. PROCHAL Module under EPCPROMAN identify Risks in various phases and suggest suitable Mitigation Plans depending upon criticality of Risks.
  • Planning, Scheduling, Monitoring & Reporting for Engineering, Procurement and Construction can be done using a single platform like EPCPROMAN.
  • Resource loading both in terms of Qty. & Cost can be assigned against each Activity.
  • Tender Vs MTO Vs AFC Qty. can be analyzed for calculating Variance and take decision well in advance to manage the contracts properly.
  • Daily, Weekly and Monthly Progress Reporting can be done for each phase of project execution using only single platform.
  • All types of Materials Management is possible (MTO-MR-PO-Delivery-Issue etc.)
  • Piping Materials Management issued to the Contractors is made simple.
  • Generation of Surplus Bulk Piping Materials can be reduced to maximum extent using Auto-Substitution feature of the system.
  • In case of Offloading of certain portion of Contracts, scope can be segregated very easy and with clarity.

Since, PMC is assisting to the Client for managing LSTK / EPC Contractors, the advantages indicated under OWNER are same.

  • Though, some of the LSTK / EPC Contractors do have Standard / in-house Systems, however, they are not integrated, leading to mismatches at various stages of project execution. Moreover, there is understanding issues among the OWNER, PMC & LSTK / EPC Contractors in approach towards effective Project Control.
  • It is always desirable to have one common platform like EPCPROMAN wherein integrated way of Planning, Scheduling, Monitoring and Reporting will be extremely beneficial for all the stakeholders.
  • Though, EPCPROMAN addresses all the issues related to Materials Management, its out of the way of dealing with macro to micro level of Fabrication & Erection activities using Barcoding / RFID are unique. This is the need of the hour to meet extremely tight schedule maintaining high Quality. Semi-automatic systems paralyze the work.
  • Features like MTO Analysis, Item Codifications, Offloading of Scope are most important for LSTK / EPC Contractors.
  • It will also help in preparation of Invoices. Approval time for Invoices will be drastically reduced, which so critical for flow of fund and maintain the work progress.
  • Since, most of the Construction Contractors do not have proper system particularly for Piping Materials Management (both Supply and Execution) and Progress Calculation, they depend on EPCM. Hence, most of the time there is dispute in status of the job.
  • For common understanding / status of the job, one integrated common platform is necessary to avoid conflict during execution of work.
  • Construction Contractors should have robust Piping Materials Management System which will take care of all the logistics after issue of materials from the Owner’s Warehouse and issue of the same to their Sub-contractors, consumption and reconciliation thereof. Reconciliation is a very big issue.
  • It has been observed that almost all the Contractors use to manage Piping Materials and Fabrication & erection activities using Excel Sheet. It is not at all desirable because of authenticity of data. As a result Total Scope of work and Actual progress do not match.
  • Besides, Modules related to Piping work, the Construction Contractors should have Modules like CIVILMAN, STRUCTMAN, EQUIPMAN, Elect./Inst. for proper Planning, Progress Calculation and Progress Monitoring at Sites.
  • It will also help in preparation of Invoices. Approval time for Invoices will be drastically reduced, which so critical for flow of fund and maintain the work progress.
  • Since, Vendors / Fabricators obtain PO data with Specs. from the OWNER or EPCM, it is important that relevant Piping Modules of EPCPROMAN be used to facilitate activities in their Fabrication Shop.
  • EPCPROMAN will help in Planning, Tracking, Monitoring and Reporting of fabrication activities and will also help in Progress Calculation which is so important in Overall Progress Calculation of the Project. Presently, it is missing a lot.
  • EPCPROMAN will help in effective utilization of resources in Fabrication Shops.
  • EPCPROMAN will also help in preparation of Invoices for timely payment.