Software Development

PARASCADD focus on understanding to its clients’ needs and delivering IT services & solutions at right value and required speed. We believe we succeed when our clients succeed by growing and outpacing their competition.

By selecting PARASCADD as an IT services partner, you’ll gain access to process excellence, IT technology expertise and an experienced pool of resources. Our focus is on driving business transformation through IT as a tool to help you drive genuine business results.

Our Services include the following:

Each business differs from the other, and so IT solutions for them also differ. PARASCADD strives to provide you with custom application development and software solutions that will help you remain in step with your competition by continuously improving your information technology-based business solutions. For this, we use modern software development platforms, software development tools, as well as the latest project management techniques and software engineering practices.

Technology stack used:
Microsoft C#.NET IIS Windows Server 2019-Latest
HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap
Angular MVC Technologies Natural Language Processing (NLP)
JavaScript , jQuery MS SQL Server, Oracle Dashboards
With an integrated approach to Mobile App Development, we aim at creating mobile apps that are intuitive, user-friendly, secure, and high-performing. Currently we provide only Android apps, iOS apps and Progressive Web Apps (PWA) suited for all devices including mobiles.
Android Apps iOS Apps Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

API development has caught wildfire among web service providers in recent years. API development helps two independent systems talk with each other through programming interface.Few sets of functions, procedures, methods, classes, or protocols of a system has helped a lot in supporting requests made by computer programs. These systems could be libraries or services and such sets are called Application programming interface (API).

APIs are standardized requests from one application that have been defined for the program being called upon. Such APIs can establish quick and direct communication between two systems that are not connected directly with each other. API acts as a bridge for information flow from one application to another.

PARASCADD offers following API services:

  • API development
  • Application development using third party API
  • API integration

Projects Executed

Sr. No. Client Name Development & Integraton Works Remark
1 Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
Integration of MMC Dashboard with Systems/ Portals of
MoPNG and Other Ministries, Customizations and uploading of Past legacy data including visualization.
Advance stage of completion
2 Indian Oil Corporation of India
Development and implementation of End to End Project Management System Advance stage of completion
Digitization of IBR Piping drawing approval process using web based software in Maharastra State( Completed
4 Engineers India Limited
Design, Development and Implementation of Project Monitoring Software Application Completed
Issue Tracking System from Ministry to all Oil and Gas Companies Completed
6 Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
Design & establishing the detailed infrastruture software
for structure and releasing and installing basic module of constrution amangement software at site
7 L & T
Developement and Integration works for PDIM ( Package Dynamic Infoformation Modelling) Solution (Piping) with LTEH in House developed application eAPLS+ Advance stage of completion
8 L & T
Developement and Integration works for TRACK N TRACING(TNT) BARCODE/RFID Software with LTEH in house developed application eALPS + Advance stage of completion