
Project Planning & Control (5 Days Online Course)

We are organising the most awaited Online Course on Project Planning & Control conducted by our domain expert team.

The Course is designed to cover the basics to advanced concepts on Project Planning & Control both for the working professionals & will be a eye-opener for the fresh engineers.

We offer certified training courses to help our clients realize and gain maximum benefit from an investment in our products. Our training courses are designed to make attendees proficient in the use and application of our products in the shortest possible time frame. Paras Cadd Private Limited can provide training or support services to suit all of your requirements .

SCM Basics Training :

  • One machine per delegates with latest configuration, 21” inch monitor with all latest machine.
  • Training courses are available for each of the Software in our product range.
  • Training for up to 14 attendees can be provided either at Parascadd Private. Limited. Mumbai offices or on-site at the customer’s facility.
  • Copies of training materials are provided on DVD or can be made available on request.
  • Practice sessions on the software even after office hours.
  • Individual attention.
  • Each delegate receives a training manual and supporting files. This will be useful as a reference manual after the training has finished.
  • Certificate is awarded to each delegate who fully attends each training session, and completes all hands-on activities to a satisfactory standard after an objective test.
  • Focus on the customers required topics.
  • Lot of practice during each session.